
Showing posts from December, 2018

Korea’s right on the rise? Nope

This piece annoyed me because it was such a load of nonsense. He wandered round Daejeon and found some people who want to kill Kim Jeong-Un so now the ‘right’ (applying western terms to a country with very different politics is something I generally avoid but that’s what Kirk does) is in the ascendancy apparently. Never mind that in party preference they are 10-15% behind in the polls or that the talks with North Korea remain overwhelmingly popular.    In Daejeon Liberty Korea are polling around 25%*- around where they have been polling for the last year.  In the June 2018 Mayoral election, the Democrat got 56.4% of the vote beating Liberty Korea’s Park Seong-Hyo who got 32.2%. Liberty Korea are not on the rise in Daejeon or anywhere else.  Of course the Liberty Party may come back.  But it hasn't happened yet and no sign it is...

Only a half Moon- but still a blue wave

After a brief surge into the 60s President Moon’s approval rating has returned to around 50% as North Korea once again disappears from the headlines in South Korea. With Gallup he is rated at 53% ‘doing well’ 39% ‘doing badly’. Real Metre has him at 49% approval, 46% disapproval. Research View has him at 49% doing well and 47% doing badly. The party polling is as follows Gallup: Democrats 41% Liberty Korea 15% Justice 11% Righteous Future 7% Real Metre: Democrats 38% Liberty Korea 26%  Justice 8% Righteous Future 6% Research View: Democrats 39% Liberty Korea 20% Justice 10% Righteous Future 9% All of which looks at least comparable to the local election results earlier this year (Democrats 51% Liberty Korea 28% Justice Party 9% Rigteous Future 8% Other 3%). Moon is reasonably popular compared to past Presidents at this point in their terms. His predecessor Park Gun-Hye polled in the low 40s at this point in her presidency and before her Lee Myung Bak ...